iPhone XS用戶照片大集合!蘋果官方:都是有才華的用戶拍攝的

新聞 7年前 (2018) 蘋果哥
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iPhone XS用戶照片大集合!蘋果官方:都是有才華的用戶拍攝的

蘋果官方在10月1日的時候,於官方網站上分享了一系列漂亮照片,這些照片都是用iPhone XS所拍攝的。

「業餘愛好者和專業人士,正在利用iPhone XS和iPhone XS Max上突破性的12MP雙鏡頭系統拍照。智能HDR、肖像模式中的高級散景和使用深度控制改變景深的能力等新功能,都是每個人都可以使用的最先進的攝影技術。」(蘋果官方

以下這些漂亮照片,是蘋果官方網站所挑選出來、用iPhone XS或iPhone XS Max拍攝的照片。開啟Instagram的速度可能會稍微慢一點,麻煩稍等幾秒鐘喲。

這些iPhone XS照片來自IG與Twitter

Night #photography on an #iphonexsmax #instapic #instapicture #apple #iphone #photooftheday #picoftheday #potrait #bokeh #shotoniphone

106 Likes, 7 Comments – Gareth Singham (@garethsingham) on Instagram: “Night #photography on an #iphonexsmax #instapic #instapicture #apple #iphone #photooftheday…”

What? You’re too young for an iPhone. Waiting for delicious fried chicken.

99 Likes, 11 Comments – Jon (@denkigrve) on Instagram: “What? You’re too young for an iPhone. Waiting for delicious fried chicken.”

Selfie ?

655 Likes, 22 Comments – Matt Baron (@baron_films) on Instagram: “Selfie ?”

Picking up Cassidy from after school. Best time to test the new camera ?#shotoniphone #shotoniphonexs #nycphotographer #midtown

46 Likes, 4 Comments – Lappi (@lappi77) on Instagram: “Picking up Cassidy from after school. Best time to test the new camera ?#shotoniphone…”

Little mountains ? ✨shooting in the rain with #ShotoniPhoneXSMax #iphoneXSMax #ShotoniPhone

230 Likes, 26 Comments – UD Aristan (@aristan89) on Instagram: “Little mountains ? ✨shooting in the rain with #ShotoniPhoneXSMax #iphoneXSMax #ShotoniPhone”

Biking and playing at the park #FamilyTime #ShotOniPhoneXs #shotoniphone

34 Likes, 3 Comments – Brad Laurvick (@revbradumc) on Instagram: “Biking and playing at the park #FamilyTime #ShotOniPhoneXs #shotoniphone”

Bukit Batok Skyline HDR panorama with iPhone XS Max, processed in Snapseed I finally doubled down on upgrading my phone after using the iPhone 6s Plus for close to three years. The camera is indeed a huge step up, with all the new computational photography features like the Smart HDR delivering great results for a phone! I’ll miss using my @oowalife 15mm on it though, so hopefully they’ll make a case for it soon. #shotoniphone #shotoniphonexsmax . . . . . . . . . #citygrammers #guardiancities #art_chitecture_ #openmyworld #sky_high_architecture #lensbible #arquitecturamx #arkiromantix #agameoftones #agameof10k #cityunit #todayweexploresg #freezfram #hbouthere #hotshotz_architecture #rsa_streetview #icu_architecture #openmyworld #passionpassport #rustlord_cityview #tv_pointofview #urbanrising #visualarchitects #leagueoflenses #heatercentral #fatalframes #yngkillers #urbanaisle @sgig @sgarchitecture @instasg @gov.sg @todayweexplore @urasingapore @archdaily @appleorchardroad @apple

162 Likes, 10 Comments – Jon Chiang (@jon.chiang) on Instagram: “Bukit Batok Skyline HDR panorama with iPhone XS Max, processed in Snapseed I finally doubled down…”

Sunrise hike through Zion National Park this morning was?. Driving the @mannpod east this week, next stop Bryce Canyon! #shotoniphonexs #airstream

1,118 Likes, 19 Comments – Austin Mann (@austinmann) on Instagram: “Sunrise hike through Zion National Park this morning was?. Driving the @mannpod east this week,…”

It’s not often I venture to the other side of the river but an after work trip to Eastlands was required. As I was heading over the Tasman Bridge I thought this might be an alright pic so I stop under the bridge went for a walk. Got back in the car and drove home and I never ended up going to Eastlands. Probably for the best really. . . . #tasmaniagram #tassiepics #tasmania #tasmanbridge #hobartandbeyond #instatassie #spring #monday #reflections #discovertasmania #exploretasmania #abcmyphoto #derwentriver #mtwellington #kunanyi #australia #australialovesyou #ig_captures #australiagram #aussiepics #wow_australia2018 #earthpix #global_hotshotz #iphonexs #mobilephotography #instameets_tasmania

300 Likes, 21 Comments – Katy Morgan (@katypotaty77) on Instagram: “It’s not often I venture to the other side of the river but an after work trip to Eastlands was…”

Not bad IPhone XS.. #shotoniphone


The set @ysl here we go ? #iphoneXs

791 Likes, 9 Comments – Saskia Lawaks (@saskialawaks) on Instagram: “The set @ysl here we go ? #iphoneXs”

First Take #shotoniphonexsmax #shotoniphone

204 Likes, 18 Comments – /\ | (@aljvd_) on Instagram: “First Take #shotoniphonexsmax #shotoniphone”

More straight out of camera #iPhoneXS #ShotOniPhoneXs #shotoniphone pic.twitter.com/EzDNOjB9xw

— Andrew Kearns (@andrewtkearns) September 27, 2018

Smart HDR is awesome #ShotOniPhoneXS San Miguel De Allende, México pic.twitter.com/HHuXqPbfPq
— Roger Gonzalez (@rogergzz) September 23, 2018

May have ended up upgrading to an iPhone XS yesterday. Have to say, I’m loving the fact I can adjust depth of field, and finally the camera focusses on my dog in portrait mode! #ShotOniPhoneXS pic.twitter.com/OJBdkYLzAz

— Verity Milligan (@Vemsteroo) September 23, 2018


iPhone XS的攝影能力進化了非常多,但是這並不代表你隨手拍的照片一定就會好看:或許可以試著動動腦,拍出真正撼動人心的照片哦!

版權聲明:蘋果哥 發表於 2018 年 10 月 3 日 00:00。
轉載請注明:iPhone XS用戶照片大集合!蘋果官方:都是有才華的用戶拍攝的 | 蘋果哥
