特斯拉 CEO 馬斯克發表震撼消息:欲將 Tesla 私有化

新聞 7年前 (2018) 蘋果哥
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特斯拉 CEO 馬斯克發表震撼消息:欲將 Tesla 私有化

昨天凌晨,總是喜歡在 Twitter 上「鬧個大新聞」的特斯拉 CEO 馬斯克,又一次發了一條令業界倍感震驚的爆炸性貼文:「我正在考慮以每股420 美元的價格把特斯拉私有化,資金問題已經解決。」(Am considering taking Tesla private at $420. Funding secured.)

特斯拉 CEO 馬斯克發表震撼消息:欲將 Tesla 私有化

在這條推文發出後不久,特斯拉的股票一度漲超8%,股價衝破371 美元。美東時間下午2 點左右,特斯拉股票被暫停交易。當地時間下午3:45 分,特斯拉復牌,收盤漲11%,至379.57 美元。



馬斯克表示,股東們可以選擇繼續留下來,成為特斯拉私有化後的投資者,也可以以每股420 美元的價格套現。按此價格計算,特斯拉私有化的交易總規模將達720 億美元左右,若計劃付諸實施,將成為有史以來規模最大的槓桿收購交易。

馬斯克目前擁有特斯拉約20%的股份,他並且表示不會將其作為收購的一部分出售,即使如此,馬斯克需要「搞定」的資金額度也要超過500 億美元。


當天早些時候,《金融時報》披露稱,沙特阿拉伯的公共投資基金(PIF)今年已購買了特斯拉3% 至5% 的股份,成為該公司最大的投資者之一。

此外,通過Twitter 這一社交媒體來首發公司重大決定,可以說是上市公司中罕見的「非傳統行為」,加之馬斯克近期在Twitter 上發過「釣魚」推文,一度讓外界以為這位網紅企業家又在開玩笑。不過值得一提的是,美國證券交易委員會在2013 年就已表示,允許各公司及高管通過Twitter 和Facebook 等平台來發佈公告。

特斯拉 CEO 馬斯克發表震撼消息:欲將 Tesla 私有化


馬斯克在去年11 月的一次採訪中直言希望能讓特斯拉私有化,因為「必須對公眾股東負責,降低了我們的效率」。甚至早在2015 年接受彭博新聞採訪時,他就談到了管理的太空探索技術公司SpaceX 一直保持私有化的好處,以及他在2010 年6 月將特斯拉公之於眾的「挫敗感」。

馬斯克此前頻頻與監管機構、批評人士、做空者乃至記者爆發公開衝突,因此對於這位脾性乖張的創始人的私有化想法,有分析師並不覺得意外。Loup Ventures 的Gene Munster 說:「馬斯克並不想經營一家上市公司,他很難適應投資者對每一季的期望。」


馬斯克的管理風格是獨一無二的,「總是能給人帶來意想不到的驚喜。」美國財務研究分析中心(CFRA)分析師Efraim Levy 這樣評價。對於上市公司會受到的紛擾,馬斯克明顯是不喜歡的,私有化正好便於馬斯克按照自己的意志來經營公司。Efraim Levy 同時認為,特斯拉即使成功私有化,也需要藉助外部資金的力量來發展新車型和新工廠,「特斯拉能否得到和以往一樣的支持將會是個問題,作為一家私人公司,擁有大量債務,意味著極大的風險。」


Taking Tesla Private


August 7, 2018

當地時間2018 年8 月7 日

Earlier today, I announced that I』m considering taking Tesla private at a price of $420/share. I wanted to let you know my rationale for this, and why I think this is the best path forward.

今天早些時候,我宣布自己正考慮以每股420 美元的價格私有化特斯拉。我想讓你們知道我這麼做的理由,以及我為何認為這是公司最好的前進道路。

First, a final decision has not yet been made, but the reason for doing this is all about creating the environment for Tesla to operate best. As a public company, we are subject to wild swings in our stock price that can be a major distraction for everyone working at Tesla, all of whom are shareholders. Being public also subjects us to the quarterly earnings cycle that puts enormous pressure on Tesla to make decisions that may be right for a given quarter, but not necessarily right for the long-term. Finally, as the most shorted stock in the history of the stock market, being public means that there are large numbers of people who have the incentive to attack the company.


I fundamentally believe that we are at our best when everyone is focused on executing, when we can remain focused on our long-term mission, and when there are not perverse incentives for people to try to harm what we』re all tr​​ying to achieve.


This is especially true for a company like Tesla that has a long-term, forward-looking mission. SpaceX is a perfect example: it is far more operationally efficient, and that is largely due to the fact that it is privately held. This is not to say that it will make sense for Tesla to be private over the long-term. In the future, once Tesla enters a phase of slower, more predictable growth, it will likely make sense to return to the public markets.

對於像特斯拉這般具有長期前瞻性使命的公司來說,尤其如此。SpaceX 就是一個完美的例子:它在運作上更富有效率,這很大程度上是因為它是一家私有公司。這並非說讓特斯拉長期私有化是明智之舉,在未來,一旦特斯拉進入一個較慢且更可預期的增長階段,重新上市可能會更為合理。

Here』s what I envision being private would mean for all shareholders, including all of our employees.


First, I would like to structure this so that all shareholders have a choice. Either they can stay investors in a private Tesla or they can be bought out at $420 per share, which is a 20% premium over the stock price following our Q2 earnings call (which had already increased by 16%). My hope is for all shareholders to remain, but if they prefer to be bought out, then this would enable that to happen at a nice premium.

首先,我希望此次私有化能讓所有股東都有選擇的權利。他們可以選擇繼續留下來,成為特斯拉私有化後的投資者,也可以以每股420 美元的價格套現,這個價格比我們第二季度財報電話會議後的股價(已經上漲了16%)高20%。我希望所有股東都能留下來,但如果他們願意套現,那麼他們將能以相當高的溢價出手持股。

Second, my intention is for all Tesla employees to remain shareholders of the company, just as is the case at SpaceX. If we were to go private, employees would still be able to periodically sell their shares and exercise their options. This would enable you to still share in the growing value of the company that you have all worked so hard to build over time.

其次,我希望所有的特斯拉員工都能繼續成為公司股東,就像SpaceX 一樣。如果我們要私有化,員工仍然可以定期出售他們的股票、行使期權。這將使得你們仍然能夠因為對公司的辛苦付出,而享有公司隨時間推移而不斷增長的價值。

Third, the intention is not to merge SpaceX and Tesla. They would continue to have separate ownership and governance structures. However, the structure envisioned for Tesla is similar in many ways to the SpaceX structure: external shareholders and employee shareholders have an opportunity to sell or buy approximately every six months.

第三,私有化的目的不是為了合併SpaceX 和特斯拉。兩家公司將繼續保持獨立的所有權和治理結構。不過,特斯拉私有化後所設想的結構在很多方面與SpaceX 類似:外部股東和員工股東大約每六個月就有機會出售或買入。

Finally, this has nothing to do with accumulating control for myself. I own about 20% of the company now, and I don』t envision that being substantially different after any deal is completed.


Basically, I』m trying to accomplish an outcome where Tesla can operate at its best, free from as much distraction and short-term thinking as possible, and where there is as little change for all of our investors, including all of our employees, as possible.


This proposal to go private would ultimately be finalized through a vote of our shareholders. If the process ends the way I expect it will, a private Tesla would ultimately be an enormous opportunity for all of us. Either way, the future is very bright and we』ll keep fighting to achieve our mission.






  • Elon Musk declares plan to take Tesla private
  • Elon Musk Tweets He Is Considering Taking Tesla Private
  • Tesla to Go Private? Stock Soars After Elon Musk Hints Yes
  • 責任編輯:王訓魁
  • 頭圖來源:視覺中國
版權聲明:蘋果哥 發表於 2018 年 8 月 9 日 00:00。
轉載請注明:特斯拉 CEO 馬斯克發表震撼消息:欲將 Tesla 私有化 | 蘋果哥
