

英國皇家工程院院士和皇家學會會士,同時也是 Dyson 吸塵器的發明人詹姆斯·戴森爵士(James Dyson),昨天以郵件向公司全體員工告知了這件事,Dyson 新車預計2020 年問世。

當年戴森爵士利用流體力學原理發明了旋風分離式(cyclonic seperation) 吸塵器,但因為會影響吸塵器塵袋的銷售,因此沒有公司願意買他的設計;他便自己創立了 Dyson 公司,自己生產吸塵器,並從日本起步做郵購,即便當時還拿了設計獎,最終也是花了十幾年的時間才在英國本土以及全球暢銷開來。 目前,戴森生產的中高檔吸塵器備受消費者的青睞。


但在那些家裡可以亂、發行不能亂的年輕人心目中,Dyson 公司迄今為止最優秀的產品應該是2016 年的“Supersonic”吹風機。 這款產品大約從五年前開始研發,利用之前的無扇葉風扇技術,設計了一款風量超大但又尺寸極小且超靜音的馬達,花了足足四年設計出了這款超靜音吹風機,售價約台幣 15,000。


除了吹風機、吸塵器之外,Dyson 公司其他的好評產品還有無扇葉風扇、空調、加濕器等等。就在今年6 月,Dyson 還推出了一款號稱 37 年不用換燈泡的 CSYS 檯燈,售價仍然是“戴森”級的台幣 17,000 元左右。 這款檯燈所用熱管技術的發明者是戴森爵士的兒子傑克·戴森(Jake Dyson)。

Dyson 產品都挺貴,就連收入不錯的小白領想買都得好好盤算一下,畢竟買了小半個月工資就沒了……儘管如此,很多人還是成為了 Dyson 的信徒——作為“消費升級”風潮的代表產品,成為戴森的用戶能讓你的生活品質提高一大截……還是值得的。

戴森還有一些其他商用產品,比如 Airblade 乾手器(百貨公司偶爾會見到)、商用照明等等。 總的來說,這還是一家非常不錯的消費電子企業,但…它怎麼跑去做電動汽車了呢?

其實戴森跟汽車的故事要追溯到上世紀80、90年代。 1988 年,戴森爵士看到一篇論文,發現柴油機的排氣有嚴重的健康危害。 戴森在1990 年設立了一個專門的團隊,用旋風分離技術收集起柴油機廢氣顆粒。


到1993 年,這個團隊已經開發出了可用的原型,他們為了推廣還把這款產品上到電視節目。 遺憾的是,和那些看走眼的吸塵器廠商一樣,汽車公司也對戴森的顆粒捕獲技術不感興趣。 理由是:他們覺得捕獲這些有害物質之後處理起來太麻煩太昂貴。

戴森爵士做這件事是想要促進技術進步和保護行人健康,但在當時環保並不是那麼大的一個話題。考慮到 Dyson 還有核心業務——吸塵器要做,這個柴油機尾氣顆粒捕獲的項目就沒有做下去。

但戴森爵士是個記性很好的人,清潔汽車技術這件事,他一直放在心裡。 到了2016 年,Supersonic 吹風機發布後在市場上廣受好評,戴森爵士突然想起了汽車那檔子事。

他發現:戴森既有強大的電動馬達,電池技術能力也不差,還有非常豐富的流體力學研究經驗和產品轉化能力。 但問題是,過去這些技術都是相對獨立的,存在於不同的產品裡,比如吹風機、無扇葉風扇和無繩吸塵器裡—— 有沒有一個產品,能夠把戴森的所有技術和研發實力都集合到一起?



去年 9 月和今年 8 月,戴森先後從阿斯頓馬丁招來了兩名高管,分別為產品研發總監伊恩·邁納德(Ian Minards) 和採購總監大衛·威爾(David Wyer) 。 另據 Recode 報導,前特斯拉全球公關副總裁目前在戴森負責公關。 Dyson 的電動汽車團隊成員已經超過400 人,並將繼續高速擴張。 戴森爵士還保證將投資20 億英鎊用於電動汽車研發。

所以,“Dyson”牌電動汽車長什麼樣,跑多快,有什麼特性? 這些戴森爵士都拒絕透露,原因是“汽車行業技術競爭太過於激烈”,關於汽車的細節該公司都必須盡量保密。














In 1988 I read a paper by the US National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, linking the exhaust from diesel engines to premature death in laboratory mice and rats. In March 1990 a team at Dyson began work on a cyclonic filter that could be fitted on a vehicle’s exhaust system to trap particulates.

By 1993 we had developed several working prototypes and showed an early iteration to British television programme Blue Peter. The team went on to develop a much more sophisticated technology.

To our chagrin, nobody at the time was interested in employing our diesel exhaust capture system and we stopped the project. The industry said that ‘disposing’ of the collected soot was too much of a problem! Better to breathe it in?

In the period since, governments around the world have encouraged the adoption of oxymoronically designated ‘clean diesel’ engines through subsidies and grants. Major auto manufacturers have circumvented and duped clean air regulations. As a result, developed and developing cities are full of smog- belching cars, lorries and buses. It is a problem that others are ignoring.

Throughout, it has remained my ambition to find a solution to the global problem of air pollution. Some years ago, observing that automotive firms were not changing their spots, I committed the company to develop new battery technologies. I believed that electrically powered vehicles would solve the vehicle pollution problem. Dyson carried on innovating. The latest digital motors and energy storage systems power the Dyson Supersonic hair dryer and cord-free vacuum line. We’ve relentlessly innovated in fluid dynamics and HVAC systems to build our fans, heaters and purifiers.

At this moment, we finally have the opportunity to bring all our technologies together into a single product. Rather than filtering emissions at the exhaust pipe, today we have the ability to solve it at the source. So I wanted you to hear it directly from me: Dyson has begun work on a battery electric vehicle, due to be launched by 2020.

We’ve started building an exceptional team that combines top Dyson engineers with talented individuals from the automotive industry. The team is already over 400 strong, and we are recruiting aggressively. I’m committed to investing £2bn on this endeavour.

The project will grow quickly from here but at this stage we will not release any information. Competition for new technology in the automotive industry is fierce and we must do everything we can to keep the specifics of our vehicle confidential

In London, nearly 9,500 people die early each year due to long-term exposure to air pollution according to a study carried out by researchers at King’s College London. The World Health Organisation reports “in 2012 around 7 million people died – one in eight of total global deaths – as a result of air pollution exposure”. It is our obligation to offer a solution to the world’s largest single environmental risk. I look forward to showing you all what I hope will be something quite unique and better, in due course !


一點題外話:有些我們通常看作消費電子企業的公司,都低調地做了不少跟汽車有關的技術和產品。比如音響、耳機品牌 Bose,你一定聽說過、用過它的降噪耳機,但可能不知道它還做過汽車音箱、座椅減震和懸掛系統——其實,這些技術和產品的背後都跟聲學有關。


版權聲明:蘋果哥 發表於 2017 年 9 月 27 日 00:00。
轉載請注明:Dyson宣佈進軍電動汽車市場,背後的故事激勵人心 | 蘋果哥
